

Monday 14th December was National Post Workers Day. CWU members across the Country have been engaging in this event by posting selfies onto social media using #PeoplesPost and we have been busy securing media coverage and political support.

National Postal Workers Day is part of the CWU's People Post Campaign. To mark the day, we have launched a petition which aims to force a fresh debate in Parliament on postal services. To reach our ultimate target of 100,000 signatures we need your help. You can sign the petition via this link : 

Our Colleagues in the Delivery Section in Donegal Quay took part in the campaign when Brendan O'Brien, Mick Kavanagh (CWU National Executive Council Members) and Simon Sapper (CWU National Assistant Secretary) paid a visit to the office on Monday 14th December. 


Brendan O'Brien, Mick Kavanagh and Simon Sapper pay a visit to the Central Division of Belfast South / Central Delivery, assisted by Fra Martin (NI Combined Assistant Branch Secretary) and Gabe McCurry (NI Combined Branch Chairman)


Colleagues from the North Belfast Delivery Section, along with Simon Sapper, Gabe McCurry, Brendan O'Brien and Mick Kavanagh help promote the Peoples Post Campaign in Donegal Quay


NI Combined Branch Chairman Gabe McCurry addresses the members on the importance of the Peoples Post Campaign

Where you can really assist is by sharing the link given above with everyone in your email address book, via social media and by texting it out.

More information on the campaign objectives and our activities so far can be found by clicking The Peoples Post image on the right.

Thank you Colleagues for your support on this matter.

CWU Northern Ireland Combined Branch  
